Greek Style Oven Roasted Rutabaga (2024)

So that’s it, guys, party’s over! As planned, I started my second round of Whole30®this past Sunday, so I’m done indulging in dairy, now… orOpera Cake, for that matter!

Seriously, though, for some reason, I really craved dairy something fierce after I was done with my recent double round of Whole30®, so I might have over-indulged over the last week. What’s really strange is that dairy isn’t even part of my regular diet anyway, so I fail to understand why I craved it so badly after “officially” abstaining for 60 days. I think I ate more cheese over the course of the last 10 days than I had in all of the preceding year.

But hey, I did fulfill the need for cheeseand something pretty good came out of it, too. Just you wait ’til I share my recipe for Cauliflower au Gratin, Italian Style.

But I digress. It’s not cauliflower or cheese we’re having today, it’s rutabaga.Greek Style Oven Roasted Rutabaga!

Greek Style Oven Roasted Rutabaga (1)

I recently cameacross thisrecipe for Greek Style Roasted Potatoesand thought they looked soooooo good, I justhad to have some, like BAD! But despite them being Paleo and even Whole30 approved now, white potatoes are something that I don’t really eatanymore. I guessto me,they just don’t do enough for my body in the nutrition department and areway too high in carbs to be worthy of making it to my plate.

No biggie, though. Unlike dairy, I hardly miss white potatoes (even though I used to eat TONS of them in my former life)There are so many other vegetables to choose from, and so many that make brilliantreplacement for potatoes, too. In this case, rutabaga was the perfect candidate. In fact, I think that for this particular recipe, rutabaga is probably even superior to potatoes. It just has so much more flavor to it.

In fact, when I made this dish, my daughter and son-in-law were paying me a visitand they literally wolfed it down. They said it was AH-MA-ZING!(And seriously, am I not absolutely blessed that they should come andvisitme at least once a week with the little one? The least I could do is put some good food on the table for them to enjoy while they’re here… )

Alright, what do you say we get busy cooking? These are crazy easy to do, you’ll see.

Greek Style Oven Roasted Rutabaga (2)

First, preheat youroven to 400°F.

Then, peel the rutabagas and cut them into chunks of roughly 2 inches; place those chunksin a large mixing bowl.

Note that for this particular recipe, I chose to use 2 smallish rutabagas as opposed to a single, larger onebecauseI wanted most ofmy piecesto have a similar shape to that ofpotatoes: like little rounded triangles. Had I used a single large rutabaga, I would’ve ended up with a lot of perfectly square-shaped pieces. Now if you’re not so particular about the final shape of your roasted rutabagas, feel free to use a single large rootif you’d like.

Greek Style Oven Roasted Rutabaga (3)

Add the rest of the ingredients to a separate bowl and mix vigorously with a whisk until well combined. Pour that sauce right over the rutabagas

Oh, and don’t worry if the mixture kinda wants to breaka little bit; it’s not mayonnaise we’re making… Quite frankly, you won’t even seethe differencein a couple ofminutes.

Greek Style Oven Roasted Rutabaga (4)

Toss the rutabaga and and sauce with a spoon until all the pieces are evenly coated.

Greek Style Oven Roasted Rutabaga (5)

Now, spread the rutabaga in a single layer across a broiler pan, making sure that there is plenty of room between the pieces to allow air to circulate freely.

Cover the pan with aluminum foil and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

After that time, remove the foilandlower the heat to 375°F, then continue baking, stirring 2 or 3 times during the process, until the rutabaga is fork tender and starts to caramelize around the edges, which should take about 25 minutes.

Greek Style Oven Roasted Rutabaga (6)

Once yourrutabaga has reached the desired color and doneness, remove it from the oven and immediately hit it with a light sprinkle of salt.

Let it cool for a few minutes (hey, I know it looks good and you want to try it now, but you wouldn’t want to burn your tongue now, would you? These things are HOT, so leave it!) and then serve, garnished with a few fresh herbs and a dribble of extra-virgin olive oil, if desired.

Greek Style Oven Roasted Rutabaga (7)

I’m telling you, one taste of these babies and you’ll forget all about white potatoes.

If only for a little while…

Greek Style Oven Roasted Rutabaga (8)

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4.49 from 37 votes

Prep Time: 15 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 55 minutes minutes

Total Time: 1 hour hour 10 minutes minutes

These Greek Style Oven Roasted Rutabaga are so good, so creamy, so tasty, they'll make your forget all about regular white potatoes.

Servings: 4



  • Preheat the oven to 400°F

  • Peel the rutabagas and cut them into roughly 2" chunks; place them in a large mixing bowl.

  • Add the rest of the ingredients to a separate bowl and mix vigorously with a whisk until well combined.

  • Pour that sauce over the rutabagas and toss with a spoon until all the pieces are evenly coated.

  • Spread the rutabaga in a single layer across a broiler pan, making sure there is plenty of room between the pieces of rutabaga to allow air to circulate freely.

  • Cover with aluminum foil and bake in the oven for 30 minutes, then remove the foil, lower the heat to 375°F and continue baking, stirring 2 or 3 times during the process, until the rutabaga is fork tender and starts to caramelize around the edges, about 25 minutes.

  • Once the rutabaga has reached the desired color and doneness, remove it from the oven and immediately hit it with a light sprinkle of salt. Let it cool for a few minutes and then serve, garnished with fresh herbs and a dribble of extra-virgin olive oil, if desired.


Calories: 206kcal, Carbohydrates: 20g, Protein: 3g, Fat: 14g, Saturated Fat: 2g, Sodium: 695mg, Potassium: 613mg, Fiber: 5g, Sugar: 9g, Vitamin A: 364IU, Vitamin C: 55mg, Calcium: 103mg, Iron: 2mg

Course: Side Dish

Cuisine: Greek

Author: Sonia! The Healthy Foodie

If you’ve tried this recipe, please take a minute to rate the recipe and let me know how things went for you in the comments below. It’s always such a pleasure to hear from you!

You can also FOLLOW ME on PINTEREST, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM and TWITTER for more delicious, healthy recipes!

Greek Style Oven Roasted Rutabaga (9)

Greek Style Oven Roasted Rutabaga (10)

Greek Style Oven Roasted Rutabaga (11)

Greek Style Oven Roasted Rutabaga (2024)


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