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Etuan Zhang � Shell Exploration and Pro-duction Company, BTC, P.O. Box 481, Houston,Texas 77001; [emailprotected]

Etuan Zhang received his Ph.D. from Penn-sylvania State University. He has more than14 years of industrial experience in petroleumexploration and production research. His re-search interests include petroleum system anal-ysis, basin modeling, source rock pyrolysisand reaction kinetics, and investigation of un-conventional resources.

Ronald J. Hill � Geology Program, WesternState College, Gunnison, Colorado, 81230;[emailprotected]

Ronald Hill specializes in petroleum geochem-istry and has more than 12 years of oil industrialand government experience. Currently, he oc-cupies the Moncrief Chair in Petroleum Geologyat Western State College in Gunnison, Colo-rado. His research interests include shale-gasresources and processes that control petroleumgeneration. Ron holds geology degrees fromMichigan State University (B.S. degree) and theUniversity of California, Los Angeles (Ph.D.),and a geochemistry degree from the ColoradoSchool of Mines (M.S. degree).

Barry J. Katz � Chevron Corporation, En-ergy Technology Company, Houston, Texas77002; [emailprotected]

Barry Jay Katz received his B.S. degree in ge-ology from Brooklyn College and his marine geology and geophysics from theUniversity of Miami. He has held various tech-nical and supervisory positions in Texaco’s,ChevronTexaco’s, and Chevron’s technologyorganizations since joining Texaco in 1979.Barry is currently a Chevron Fellow and teamleader for the hydrocarbon charge in Chevron’sEnergy Technology Company.

Yongchun Tang � Petroleum Energy andEnvironment Research Center, California In-stitute of Technology, Covina, California91722; [emailprotected]

Prior to joining the California Institute of Tech-nology, Tang had more than 15 years of in-dustrial experience in both upstream and down-stream research at Chevron. He is currently

Modeling of gas generation fromthe Cameo coal zone in thePiceance Basin, ColoradoEtuan Zhang, Ronald J. Hill, Barry J. Katz, andYongchun Tang


The gas generative potential of the Cretaceous Cameo coalin the Piceance Basin, northwestern Colorado, was evaluatedquantitatively by sealed gold tube pyrolysis. TheH/C andO/Celemental ratios show that pyrolyzed Cameo coal samples fol-low the Van Krevelen humic coal evolution pathway, reason-ably simulating natural coal maturation. Kinetic parameters(activation energy and frequency factor) for gas generation andvitrinite reflectance (Ro) changes were calculated frompyroly-sis data. Experimental Ro results from this study are not ade-quately predicted by published Ro kinetics and indicate thenecessity of deriving basin-specific kinetic parameters whenbuilding predictive basin models.

Using derived kinetics for Ro evolution and gas generation,basin modeling was completed for 57wells across the PiceanceBasin, which enabled themapping of coal-rank and coalbed gaspotential. Quantities of methane generated at approximately1.2%Ro are about 300 standard cubic feet per ton (scf/ton) andmore than 2500 scf/ton (in-situ dry-ash-free coal) at Ro valuesreaching 1.9%.Gases generated in both low- andhigh-maturitycoals are less wet, whereas thewetter gas is expectedwhere Ro isapproximately 1.4–1.5%. As controlled by regional coal rank andnet coal thickness, the largest in-place coalbed gas resources arelocated in the central part of the basin, where predicted vol-umes exceed 150 bcf/mi2, excluding gases in tight sands.


Tight gas sandstones in the Upper Cretaceous Williams ForkFormation in the Piceance Basin in northwestern Colorado,

AAPG Bulletin, v. 92, no. 8 (August 2008), pp. 1077–1106 1077

Copyright #2008. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

Manuscript received February 1, 2006; provisional acceptance May 1, 2006; revised manuscript receivedAugust 30, 2007; final acceptance April 2, 2008.


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western United States (Figure 1), contain some of the largestunconventional gas resources in the Rocky Mountain region.Preliminary reserve estimates indicate 322 tcf of gas in place(GIP) (Johnson et al., 1987). They are thought to be sourcedmostly from the Cameo coal zone in the lower part of theCretaceous Williams Fork Formation. Much of these resourcesare mostly thermogenic in origin based on the gas carbon iso-topic compositions (Johnson and Rice, 1990), although bacte-rial methanogenesis is thought to be common in many coalbedmethane reservoirs (Scott et al., 1994; Pitman et al., 2003) andshould contribute to the resource base in the Williams ForkFormation.

Whereas attention to resources in tight gas sands in thePiceance Basin is quite high, interest in the Cameo and othercoals in the western United States as both reservoirs and sourcesfor natural gas has recently increased. To better assess thecoalbed gas potential of the Cameo coal and to minimize ex-ploration risk, systematic analyses of the gas content and sorp-tion capacity of the coal are certainly important (Eddy et al.,1982; Tyler et al., 1996), but so is the quantitative evaluation ofthe basinwide thermogenic gas generation potential of the coal.

The timing and extent of thermogenic hydrocarbon gen-eration by a coal-bearing source rock interval depend on boththe burial or thermal history and the reaction kinetics of hy-drocarbon generation. A variety of physical and chemicalmeth-ods have beenused for the evaluation of organic-matter thermalmaturity and for the interpretation of coal and source rockthermal history, with vitrinite reflectance (Ro) as the mostwidely used tool (Hunt, 1979;Waples, 1981; Tissot andWelte,1984; Bustin, 1987; Lerche, 1990; Zhao and Lerche, 1993).However, the validity of using Ro to indicate organic maturityand to interpret the thermal history in a sedimentary basindepends on how well the kinetics of vitrinite maturation isunderstood. Several published Ro kineticmodels that purportto be globally applicable exist; however, they consistently failto perform in some areas of the world (Buiskool Toxopeus,1983;Ungerer, 1990; Throndsen et al., 1993; Tang et al., 1996).This underscores theneed for the development of basin-specificRo kinetic models.

From the standpoint of exploration and basin modeling, itis also important to know the timing and quantities of meth-ane and other hydrocarbon and nonhydrocarbon gases gener-ated during maturation. Previous studies (Juntgen and Karweil,1966a, b; Higg, 1986; Burnham and Sweeney, 1989; Tang et al.,1996) attempted to quantitatively evaluate the generation ofcoalbed gas using two basic approaches: laboratory pyrolysisand theoretical mass balance. All these approaches have much

the director for the Petroleum Energy and En-vironment Research Center at the CaliforniaInstitute of Technology. Tang has publishedmore than 80 articles in the field of geochem-istry, chemistry, and petroleum engineering.His major research interests are applying mo-lecular modeling and experimental simulationtechniques to energy-related problems. He haspioneered the molecular modeling techniqueto many fields of organic geochemistry, surfacechemistry, reaction kinetics, and other petro-leum chemistry fields. Tang feels that the majortechnical barrier of molecular modeling forthe petroleum industry is the lack of integrationbetween theory and experiments. Thus, hisresearch group has a strong integration ofmodeling and experimental efforts. His mainresearch focuses are (1) modeling both ho-mogenous and heterogeneous catalysis;(2) geochemical modeling; (3) interfacialphenomenon modeling (liquid-liquid, liquid-solid, and gas-solid); (4) the nucleation process;(5) emulsion; and (6) ionic liquids.


We acknowledge the support of Chevron Cor-poration and Shell Exploration and ProductionCompany, and express our appreciation fortheir approval to publish the results of ourstudy. We also wish to thank Ron Johnson,Vito Nuccio, Adry Bissada, Jack C. Pashin, Jerry J.Sweeney, and Peter D. Warwick for construc-tive reviews that significantly improved thearticle.

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uncertainty associatedwith them.The Juntgen andKarweil (1966a, b) elemental mass balance modelignored the production of water during coalifica-tion and thus overestimated the amount of meth-ane generated. The Higg (1986) model predictedmethane generation directly from pyrolysis data,

but the pyrolysis experiments were conducted atan initial pressure of 1 bar. Under high pressures,typical of geological environments, the rate ofmeth-ane generation may be significantly different fromthat observed under low-pressure conditions (Hillet al., 1994). The Burnham and Sweeney (1989)

Figure 1. Locations ofthe Piceance Basin andsurrounding geologic fea-tures in northwesternColorado and an east–west cross section (AA0)across the central partof the basin showing thestratigraphic positionsof three Ro (%) levels. Thecross section is modifiedfrom Johnson and Rice(1990). Numbered wellsare listed in Table 5.

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model used gas generation kinetics derived fromopen-system pyrolysis experiments; however, lowpressures and high temperatures may change thedominant chemical-reactionmechanisms occurringduring hydrocarbon generation. Furthermore, anopen-system pyrolysis of coal typically generateslarge amounts of light hydrocarbon gases, hydro-carbon liquids, and tar. The cracking of these com-ponents to gas and insoluble organic residue occursduring natural coalification but is not accountedfor in an open-system model. Tang et al. (1996)conducted a kinetic study of a North Dakota ligniteusing the sealed gold tube pyrolysis technique.From their specific kineticmodels for vitrinitematu-ration and gas generation, they were able to pre-dict the economic threshold of methane genera-tion relative to organicmaturation.However, theirkinetic model was derived for a coal rank with anRo less than 1.5% and thus can be used only for theprediction of relatively early methane generationbut not late generation, which occurs at an Ro

greater than 1.5%.Although published data provide a general un-

derstanding of coalbed gas generation relative tocoal rank and composition, many questions stillexist concerning how best to predict the size ofcoalbedmethane accumulations from specific coalunits. Organic maturation and hydrocarbon gen-eration are kinetically controlled processes, so theintegration of basin modeling with the kineticsof source rock maturation and hydrocarbon gen-eration provides the means by which the thermalmaturation and gas generation potentials of thesource rocks are numerically formulated. Becausethe quantitative assessment of the coalbed meth-ane gas potential is critical, we conducted a basinmodeling of the gas generation from the Cameocoal zone in the Piceance Basin. The primary ob-jectives of this study were to (1) develop a setof specific kinetic models for gas generation andRo evolution for the Cameo coal zone, (2) recon-struct the burial and thermal history of the coalmeasures, and (3) predict the quantity and compo-sition of the generated gas. The scope of the studyincludes (1) collecting a representative sample ofthe Cameo coal that is only marginally mature forgas generation as a starting material for pyrolysis

tests, (2) conducting sealed gold tube pyrolysisat two heating rates and elevated pressure, (3) de-veloping the specific kinetics parameters for gasgeneration and Ro evolution, (4) basin modelingon 57 wells across the Piceance Basin for mappingcoal-rank patterns and coalbed gas potentials, and(5) comparing the gas generation potential withthe gas adsorption capacity of the Cameo coal de-termined by Eddy et al. (1982) and Tyler et al.(1996) to estimate gas migration into other reser-voirs. This article documents the results of the studyand discusses the exploration and exploitation sig-nificance of the models we derived.

Geological Setting

The Piceance Basin in northwesternColorado is anintermontane basin formed during the Late Cre-taceous through Eocene Laramide orogeny (Greis,1983; Johnson and Nuccio, 1986). The basin isbounded by the Axial Basin arch to the north,White River uplift to the east, Sawatch uplift to thesoutheast, Uncompahgre uplift to the southwest,and Douglas Creek arch to the west (Figure 1).The basin is elongated northwest–southeast andoccupies approximately 7200 mi2 (18,648 km2)(Tremain and Toomey, 1983). The Piceance Basinhas gently dipping flanks on the west and south-west and a steep flank on the east; the structuralaxis trends northwest near the east basin margin(Figure 1) (Greis, 1983; Johnson andNuccio, 1986).The stratigraphic sequence in the basin (Figure 1)includes (1) the Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shaleand Mesaverde Group composed in ascending or-der of the Iles andWilliams Fork formations, and(2) the TertiaryWasatch (Paleocene–Eocene), GreenRiver (Eocene), andUinta formations (Eocene). Theextensive coal deposits near the base of the Wil-liams Fork are believed to be the major source ofthe large gas resources in the tight sandstone reser-voirs of that formation. The gas geochemistry inthe basin is summarizedby Johnson andRice (1990).

The Cameo coals throughout the PiceanceBasin range in net thickness from 20 to 80 ft (6–24m) (Johnson, 1989a), with an average thicknessof about 50 ft (15 m). The total coal resource isestimated at 380 billion tons (Choate et al., 1984).

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The coals are generally low in sulfur content andwere interpreted byCollins (1976) to be depositedunder freshwater conditions, although he observedhigh-sulfur coals, indicating brackish origin, at twolocalities in the southeastern part of the basin. Thecoal rank near the base of the Cameo coal zone var-ies from subbituminous A and high-volatile Caround the west and southwest basin margins tosemianthracite along the structural axis (Johnsonand Nuccio, 1986).


Unpyrolyzed Coal Sample

The coal sample used in the pyrolysis experimentswas collected from the Cameo seam of the UpperCretaceous Mesaverde Group in the Twin Arrow4-14C&Kwell, which is located in the northwest-ern Piceance Basin, in Rio Blanco County, Colo-rado (well 33 in cross section AA0, Figure 1). Theinitial coal elemental composition is 77 wt.% C,6 wt.%H, and 14wt.%Owith less than 3 wt.%Nand S. The maceral data for the coal sample aresummarized in Table 1. This sample is relatively

immature with an Ro of 0.5% and a 0.9H/C atomicratio. The maceral composition is 87.2% vitrinite,4.6% liptinite, and 8.2% inertinite, which is petro-graphically similar to that reported by Law et al.(1989) and also close in petrographic compositionto regional coals as reported by Collins (1976).Therefore, it is possible to use the results from thepyrolysis of this coal to model thermogenic gas gen-eration and vitrinite maturation throughout thebasin.

Closed-System Pyrolysis

Sealed gold tube pyrolysis experiments were per-formed on the immature Cameo coal sample fromthe Twin Arrow 4-14 C&K well under elevatedpressure and two heating rate conditions, followingthe methods of Tang et al. (1996). These experi-ments allowedus tomakemass balance calculationsand accurately monitor the changes in gas yield, gas

molecular and isotopic compositions, Ro, and ele-mental composition of the residual coals duringmaturation.

Pyrolysis experiments were performed usingsealed gold tubes (50-mm [1.9-in.] length, 3.6-mm[0.14-in.] inner diameter, and 0.4-mm [0.015-in.]wall thickness) in a high-pressure and high-temper-ature pyrolysis system developed at Chevron Pe-troleum Technology Company. The clean tubeswere welded at one end before sample loading.About 100 mg of finely powdered, hom*ogenized,vacuum-dried, and gas-free raw coal sample wasloaded into each of the duplicate gold tubes in aglove box containing an argon atmosphere. Thetubes were flushedwith argon in the box for 15minto insure the complete removal of air. The otherend of the gold tube was then welded under anargon atmosphere using the methods of Hill et al.(1994, 1996).

The sealed gold tubes were placed into stain-less steel vessels that were then placed in a largeoven and kept at a constant pressure of 5000 psiduring the course of the experiment. Water wasthe pressure medium and was controlled by anair-driven pump. The samples were heated usingtwo different nonisothermal heating programs of10jC/hr from 100 to 490jC and 1jC/hr from 100to 450jC, respectively. The temperature was con-trolled using a built-in temperature controller andmeasured directly with an accuracy of ±1jC withtwo thermocouples fixed on the top and bottomof each vessel and recorded and stored on the com-puter. A vessel containing gold tubes was removedfrom the oven at temperature intervals of 20–30jCbetween 280 and 490jC. The vessel was quicklycooled to room temperature and then depressur-ized slowly before the gold tubes were unloadedfrom the vessels.

Table 1. Maceral Analysis of the Cameo Coal Sample from

the Twin Arrow 4-14 C&K Well Used in Pyrolysis Experiments

Maceral Composition (vol.%)

Vitrinite Liptinite Inertinite

87.2 4.6 8.2

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Pyrolysis Product Analysis

Pyrolysis products were analyzed for gas yield and

molecular composition, as well as for Ro and ele-mental composition of the residual coal. The anal-ysis began with the collection of gaseous productsin a vacuum line (Hill et al., 1994, 1996). In thissetup, the gold tube was pierced with a needle inthe high vacuum line at room temperature, allow-ing all the generated gases to be desorbed from thecoal sample into the line and the liquid products(C6+ fractions) to be captured cryogenically into adry ice or acetone trap (T = �77jC). The gaseswere collected by a Toepler pump into a calibratedvolume for total gas volume quantification and thenintroduced directly into a gas chromatograph forcomposition analysis.

The residual coal after gas analysis was sub-jected to Romeasurements (randomRo). Fifty read-ings were generally taken on each specimen. Thestandard deviations for the arithmetic means were0.05–0.09%. The Ro data provided a measure ofthe organicmaturity of the coal during the pyrolysisexperiments. The Ro values of the residue afterthe pyrolysis were crossplotted against the pyrol-ysis yields from different heating rates such thatthe pyrolysis yields obtained at the different heat-ing rates would fall onto roughly a single curve fora given gas product.

The elemental composition (C, H, O, N, and S)of the residual coal was determined by ultimateanalysis. All values were determined directly andreported on a dry, ash-free basis.

Kinetics Analysis

Organic matter or coal undergoes thermal crack-ing to generate hydrocarbons at rates dependenton temperature. The rate of organic matter matu-ration can be expressed by the first-order kineticreaction:


dt¼ �kC ð1Þ

where C is the fraction of coal still transformable(unreacted) into hydrocarbons, t is time, and k is

the rate constant following the Arrhenius law, i.e.,k varies with temperature according to

k ¼ Ae�E

RT tð Þ ð2Þ

where A is the frequency factor (s�1), e is themathematical constant (= 2.7183) while ex is theexponential function (x = �E/RT(t)), E is the ac-tivation energy (kcal/mol), R is the gas constant(= 0.001987 kcal/mol/K), and T is the absolutetemperature, which is a function of time (t).

Because coal is a heterogeneous organicmaterialconsisting of varying macerals with mostly macro-molecular structures and several different types ofchemical bonds, its decomposition cannot be de-scribed adequately by a single chemical reaction.Thekinetic model commonly used for coal thermal de-composition is based on several parallel first-orderreactions,with a distribution of activation energies,all occurring simultaneously but independently ofeachother (Tissot andWelte, 1984; Burnhamet al.,1987, 1988;Quigely et al., 1987; Tissot et al., 1987;Espitalie et al., 1988; Burnhamand Sweeney, 1989;Ungerer, 1990; Sundararaman et al., 1992; Tanget al., 1996). In this study, thepre-exponential factorand activation energieswere derived from the abovestandard kinetics analysis procedures by fitting thecalculated values to values from the pyrolysis data.

Kinetics of Gas Generation

Based on the kinetic approach mentioned above,hypothetical kinetic parameters for the generationof methane, ethane, C3–C5, and CO2 were deter-mined. These were tested against pyrolysis datausing the cumulative yields of methane, ethane,C3–C5, and CO2 with increasing temperature and

time. The focus of this study is to evaluate the pri-mary gas generation from coal. Thus, pyrolysis re-actionswerenot conducted to completionbutwerelimited to maximum experimental thermal stressequivalent to approximately 2.2% Ro so as to limitthe influence of secondary cracking reactions (Beharet al., 1992,1997). Furthermore, to restrict the rangeof possible kinetic solutions, two sets of pyrolysisdata, obtained at two significantly different heatingrates,were used instead of a single heating-rate data

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set. Only those solutions that best fit themeasureddata and have the smallest fitting deviation wereaccepted for deducing the kinetic parameters. Twouncertainties are involved in the calculation, theuncertainty of the maximum yield and the poten-tially nonunique kinetic solution based on the twoheating rate experiments. Sensitivity analyses forthese two uncertainties are discussed below.

Uncertainty of Maximum Gas Yield for Kinetic FittingMuch work has been done to investigate differentmethods of deriving kinetics for a closed-systempyrolysis (for example, Tang et al., 1996, and theirreferences). Although gold tubes can be heated toa very high temperature, thereby obtaining an ex-perimentally measured maximum gas yield froma closed-system pyrolysis, this number representsgas generated from primary cracking of coal plusgas generated from secondary cracking of oil fromcoal, and will bias the pyrolysis maximum gas yieldtoward products of secondary cracking (Behar et al.,1992, 1997). In an open-systempyrolysis, however,the maximum primary gas yield is measured, butin this case, the yield is very low and cannot bereasonably extrapolated to geological conditions.From our closed-system experimental data, we es-timated the maximum gas yield at three levels:gas yield + 50% of gas yield (4800 standard cubicfeet per ton [scf/ton]), gas yield + 67% of gas yield(5760 scf/ton), and gas yield + 100% of gas yield(6400 scf/ton). In a summary of a previous work,Tang et al. (1996) estimated the maximum meth-ane yield from coal to be between approximately4000 and 5760 scf/ton at 3.0% Ro. Except for thegas yield + 100% estimate, our estimates of maxi-mum gas yields fall within that range and provide abasis for evaluating the effect of maximum gas yieldon the uncertainty in kinetics analysis.

Uncertainty of Kinetic FittingsTypically, we performed a sensitivity analysis toevaluate the applicability of the laboratory data togeological field observations. Figure 2 shows thesum of the total errors between the experimentaldata and calculated results using an optimizationprogram. To decrease the uncertainty of the curvefittings (i.e., getting a unique solution of the fre-

quency factors), increasing either the range or thenumber of heating rates is required. However, in-creasing the number of heating rates without in-creasing the range of heating rates may not signif-icantly reduce the uncertainty. Based on field dataand experience from a previous work on coal sam-ples (Chevron internal data), we have followed themethods of Tang et al. (1996) and have adjustedthe frequency factor between 1011 and 1016/s untilthe sum of total errors between the experimentaland calculated results is minimized.

Kinetics of Vitrinite Reflectance

For an easier application of the results in this study,we related Ro directly to temperature and time.The basic method for deriving the Ro kinetics em-ployed in the model is similar to that for gas gen-eration kinetics. However, our approach links Ro

with the vitrinite conversion index (VCI: 0 to 1).The VCI is defined as

VCI ¼ % Ro � 0:2ð Þ3


where VCI is in percent, 0.2 is an estimate of theinitial Ro that was associated with thematerial afterits initial conversion to vitrinite from the precursorandmay represent the zeropoint for organic thermalmaturity, and 3 approaches our maximum point for

Figure 2. Sum of total errors between the experimental dataand calculated results using an optimization program.

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organicmaturity.The theoreticalVCIwas calculatedusing the same chemical kinetic scheme as discussedabove. Fitting calculatedwithmeasuredVCI usingexperimental Ro and following theVCI-Ro correla-tion equation (3) allowed us to derive specific ki-netic parameters for the Ro evolution of the coal.

Basin Modeling

To evaluate quantitatively the gas generation po-tential of the Cameo coal, basin modeling was con-ducted for 57 wells across the Piceance Basin usinga one-dimensional (1-D) basin-modeling program,with our gas generation kinetic parameters and Ro

evolution kinetics. The modeling inputs included(1) timing and duration of depositional events, thick-ness and thermal conductivity of the sedimentarysequences including overburden, coal measures,and rocks directly underlying the coal measures;(2) timing and magnitude of erosional events andtimingofhiatuses; (3)mean annual surface tempera-tures and down-hole temperatures; (4) regional heatflow, including heat flow through time; and (5)mea-sured Ro data for the wells from published infor-mation and proprietary studies. The models werecalibrated against both the present-day geothermics(heat flow consistent with bottom-hole tempera-tures) and themeasured reflectance profile for eachwell. The study included (1) the reconstruction ofburial history using stratigraphic data, (2) the cali-bration of thermal history based on Ro kinetics andthe observed Ro profiles, and (3) the prediction ofgas generation by incorporating the gas generationkinetics into the calibrated thermal historymodels.

Because the Tertiary strata are truncated bythe present erosion surface, the original thicknessof the Tertiary overburden is unknown. To recon-struct the burial history, the maximum thicknessof the removed sedimentswas estimated indirectly.In this study, an estimate of the maximum depthof burial was made using two approaches: (1) ex-trapolation ofmeasured ‘‘logRo-depth’’ plots (Dow,1977), and (2) thermal modeling adjustment. As-suming that the thermal conductivity of the Ter-tiary rocks remained constant and that the burialwas the dominant heat source affecting the areaduring coalmaturation, exponential reflectance gra-

dients are expected for the sections of maximumburial.With this assumption, logRo-depthplotswereextrapolated to an Ro value of 0.2% to yield themaximum thickness of overburden in each bore-hole location. The thermal history of a sedimentarybasin depends not only on the deposition and ero-sion history but also on the heat-flowevolution. Toestimate the heat-flowhistory, thermal conductivityand geothermal gradient need to be determined. Inthis study, the proportions of different lithologiesfor each formation were calculated using boreholedata.Anaverage thermal conductivity for each lithol-ogy was used in the modeling as built-in and pro-vided in the basin-modeling program.The present-day geothermal gradient of each borehole locationwas calculated using down-hole temperatures thatwere corrected with the aid of mud-log informa-tion andHorner plots. As part of the calculation, amean annual surface temperature of 10jC (Gre-tener, 1981) was adopted and held constant.

To obtain the thermal history calibration, ourmodel uses the present-day heat flow as one of theinput factors. Assuming the burial histories (includ-ing amounts of erosion) are correct, the heat flowwas adjusted against both observed down-hole tem-peratures and measured Ro profiles by trial-and-error adjustments until the predicted reflectanceprofiles best fit themeasured profile for each well.Matching the calculated and measured Ro data en-abled the burial, temperature, and coal-maturation(Ro) history curves to be obtained for each well.


Vitrinite Reflectance

Variations of Ro for the pyrolysis of the Cameocoal at 10 and 1jC/hr heating rates are reportedin Table 2. The Ro values increase from an initial0.5% to 2.17% (488jC, 10jC/hr) with increasingtemperature. This maturity range roughly coversthe complete coal-rank series observed for theCameo coal seams in the Piceance Basin (Nuccioand Johnson, 1983), as well as values spanning theoil and gaswindows. Thus, the pyrolysis results canbe reasonably used for the kinetic modeling of

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vitrinite maturation and hydrocarbon generationto assess coalbed gas potentials for the range of ma-turities observed in the basin.

Ultimate Analysis

Results of the ultimate analysis conducted on theresidual coal as well as on the starting coal samplefrom the Twin Arrow 4-14 C&Kwell are given inTable 2.With an increase in simulatedmaturity, thecoal elemental composition changed systematically.Carbon content increased from 77 to 90%, where-as hydrogen and oxygen contents decreased from 6and 14% down to 3.4 and 3.8%, respectively. Com-mensuratewith the elemental composition changes,theH/Catomic ratio decreased from0.9 to 0.45, andtheO/C atomic ratio decreased from 0.14 to 0.03with increasing temperature and thermal alteration.

When plotted on a Van Krevelen (1993) diagram(Figure 3), these ratios follow an evolution pathwaytypical for vitrinite-rich coal or type III kerogen.

Sulfur content remained fairly constant (about0.93%) over the pyrolysis temperature range in-vestigated, except for decreasing at high tempera-ture (>400jC) and maturity (>1.8% Ro) to about0.7%. The S/C atomic ratio remained roughly con-stant at 0.0045 from the initial pyrolysis tempera-ture up to 380jC (1jC/hr), above which the ratiodecreased to 0.0031.

The N content increased from an initial valueof 1.87 to 2.36% for 380jC (1jC/hr) and then de-creased to about 2.02% at a temperature of 445jC(1jC/hr). The N/C atomic ratio showed an initialincrease from 0.021 to 0.024 at 380jC (1jC/hr)and then decreased to 0.019when the temperatureincreased to 445jC. The changes are small and

Table 2. Vitrinite Reflectance (%Ro) and Elemental Composition Changes with Temperature for the Pyrolysis of the Cameo Coal

from the Twin Arrow 4-14 C&K Well, Piceance Basin, Northwestern Colorado





(jC) Ro(%) C(%) H(%) O(%) N(%) S(%) H/C O/C N/C S/C

1�C/hrRaw 0.50 77.03 5.79 14.38 1.87 0.93 0.90 0.14 0.0208 0.0045

25 289 0.81 78.22 5.56 13.34 2.03 0.85 0.85 0.13 0.0222 0.0041

28 317 0.86 79.81 5.73 11.38 2.10 0.97 0.86 0.11 0.0226 0.0046

31 336 1.09 81.45 5.30 10.13 2.21 0.91 0.78 0.09 0.0233 0.0042

18 354 1.33 82.47 5.16 9.21 2.24 0.92 0.75 0.08 0.0233 0.0042

54 370 1.45 84.99 4.90 6.94 2.24 0.94 0.69 0.06 0.0226 0.0041

15 381 1.52 84.30 4.43 7.94 2.36 0.96 0.63 0.07 0.0240 0.0043

23 403 1.74 86.30 4.01 6.46 2.29 0.94 0.56 0.06 0.0227 0.0041

50 420 1.86 88.65 3.73 4.65 2.12 0.87 0.50 0.04 0.0205 0.0037

57 433 1.97 89.38 3.56 4.28 2.05 0.74 0.48 0.04 0.0196 0.0031

55 445 2.09 89.92 3.39 3.86 2.02 0.82 0.45 0.03 0.0192 0.0034

10�C/hr98 294 0.66 78.65 5.58 14.19 0.85 0.14

77 345 0.78 79.97 5.59 11.76 0.84 0.11

99 380 1.11 81.80 5.27 9.53 0.77 0.09

72 405 1.36 84.12 4.62 7.79 0.66 0.07

45 421 1.59 86.03 4.21 6.61 0.59 0.06

43 435 1.70 87.46 4.00 6.16 0.55 0.05

30 445 1.83 88.41 3.94 4.17 0.53 0.04

48 468 2.01 89.16 3.71 3.90 0.50 0.03

27 488 2.17 89.71 3.49 3.76 0.47 0.03

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indicate that both N and S remain in some ther-mally resistant structures, most likely in N- and S-bearing aromatic structures. Releasing the aliphaticgroups during pyrolysis results in the concentrationof aromatic structures, causing a decrease in H/Cratios,whereasN and S contents increase relatively,leading to slight increases in both N/C and S/Cratios. At even higher temperatures, the crackingof some aromatic structures occurs, leading to therelease of someNandS, so bothN/C andS/C ratiosdecrease with increasing maturity.

According to theVanKrevelendiagram(Figure3),the positive relation between (1) the increasing Ro

and decreasing atomic H/C and O/C ratios and(2) the coal evolution pathway indicates that thesealed gold tube pyrolysis experiments conductedin our study can reasonably simulate the organicmaturation observed in nature.

Pyrolysis Gases

Hydrocarbon gases (C1–C5) are generated in smallamounts at the beginning of the thermal degrada-

tion of coal, but they become the dominant gasesat high maturity (Table 3; Figure 4). Methane isthe major constituent being generated but notin large amounts until temperatures of 380jC at1jC/hr or 420jC at 10jC/hr are reached. As il-lustrated in Figures 4 and 5A, the least thermallystressed samples (<300jC, <0.8% Ro) generatedonly minor amounts of methane, 13 scf/ton of ini-tial dry-ash-free coal (dry-ash-free coal), account-ing for only 1.8% of the total generated gas vol-ume. With increasing temperatures up to 380jC(1jC/hr,�1.5%Ro),methane yield increased grad-ually to 580 scf/ton of initial dry-ash-free coal, ac-counting for about 25%of the total gas volume. Aseven higher temperatures were applied, a sharperincrease in methane yield occurred and rapidly in-creased to a maximum of 2850 scf/ton of initialdry-ash-free coal in the most altered coal (450jC,1jC/h, 2.1% Ro). This amount represents 52% ormore of the total gas volume.

The C2–C5 hydrocarbon yield remained lowunder low-temperature conditions and then in-creased exponentially with increasing temperature

Figure 3. The changes in H/Cand O/C atomic ratios for thepyrolysis of the Cameo coal fromthe Twin Arrow 4-14 C&K wellas shown on a Van Krevelendiagram indicate that the simu-lated maturation of the coal fol-lows the natural evolution trendfor type III kerogen. The twofaint dotted lines running fromabout 1.7 and 0.7 on the y axis to0.18 and 0.14 on the x axis rep-resent the stage boundaries oforganic matter transformationfrom diagenesis to catagenesisand from catagenesis to meta-genesis, respectively.

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(Figure 5B, C). Because the generation rate ofC2–C5 hydrocarbons is slightly higher than thatof methane during this pyrolysis condition, gaswetness (C2–5/C1–5 � 100) increased rapidly toa maximum value of 42% at 1.45% Ro (Table 3).Between 1.4 and 1.7%Ro, the gas wetness remainsfairly constant.Within this maturity range, the gen-eration rates of both methane and C2–C5 hydro-carbons are similar. As temperatures approached400jC (1jC/hr, �1.75% Ro), a sharp increase in

C2–C5 hydrocarbon yield occurred, reaching amax-imum yield of 700 scf/ton of initial dry-ash-freecoal at 430jC (1jC/hr,�2%Ro). At temperaturesgreater than 400jC (1jC/hr), methane generationis faster than that of C2–C5 hydrocarbons, leadingto a corresponding decrease in gas wetness fromthat point on. The decrease in gaswetness indicatesa significant cracking of the C2–C5 hydrocarbons,resulting in a decrease of gas wetness to less than20% in the most altered coal (450jC, 2.1% Ro).

Table 3. Gas Composition (scf/ton, Dry-Ash-Free Coal) for the Pyrolysis of the Cameo Coal from the Twin Arrow 4-14 C&K Well





(jC) Ro(%) C1 C2 C3 n-C4 i-C4 n-C5 i-C5 Wetness* CO2 H2

1�C/hr26 289 0.77 13.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 367.6 0.4

28 317 0.86 64.7 9.3 2.6 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.9 590.6 0.4

31 336 1.09 126.0 31.2 13.8 1.9 1.5 0.7 0.4 28.2 962.6 1.1

18 354 1.33 223.0 73.2 35.3 6.3 3.0 1.9 1.9 35.3 1173.7 2.2

20 354 1.32 238.6 82.5 34.9 5.9 2.6 1.5 1.9 35.2 1169.6 2.2

53 370 1.47 370.2 155.7 76.6 17.1 6.3 3.3 5.2 41.7 1351.3 4.1

54 370 1.45 426.7 154.2 75.4 17.1 6.3 3.3 4.8 38.0 1337.6 4.5

15 381 1.52 587.6 194.0 87.7 16.7 8.9 3.3 3.7 34.9 1452.8 7.1

17 381 1.55 569.0 194.0 85.5 15.6 8.5 3.0 3.3 35.3 1457.3 7.1

23 403 1.74 1120.9 301.0 123.0 24.2 14.5 4.8 5.2 29.7 1603.0 12.6

50 420 1.86 1859.0 453.4 181.4 42.4 13.0 3.3 10.4 27.5 1769.1 19.7

49 420 1.91 1821.1 456.0 178.4 40.5 12.6 3.0 9.7 27.8 1769.8 18.6

57 433 1.97 2124.8 483.9 171.0 33.4 10.8 1.9 6.3 25.0 1793.6 28.6

58 433 2.00 2256.3 498.8 175.1 34.9 10.8 1.9 6.7 24.4 1840.5 30.8

55 445 2.09 2725.4 520.7 152.0 20.8 7.4 0.4 1.9 20.5 1864.2 35.7

56 445 2.05 2846.2 527.4 149.8 19.3 7.1 0.4 1.5 19.9 1888.4 40.5

10�C/hr12 295 0.68 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 155.0 0.0

6 345 0.83 49.1 4.8 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.8 512.9 0.7

11 374 1.05 166.5 47.9 23.4 4.1 2.2 1.5 1.1 32.5 959.6 2.2

4 399 1.36 369.8 126.4 58.7 10.8 10.0 2.2 2.6 36.3 1226.5 5.9

45 421 1.59 631.4 214.1 97.4 22.3 9.3 4.8 6.7 36.0 1397.1 11.5

46 421 1.60 628.5 218.2 99.6 23.0 9.3 4.8 6.7 36.5 1390.0 7.1

43 435 1.70 934.3 293.6 133.1 32.0 13.4 5.9 8.9 34.3 1497.8 21.9

44 435 1.71 968.2 297.3 121.9 27.9 12.6 5.6 7.4 32.8 1538.7 21.2

7 445 1.84 1340.9 369.4 163.9 37.5 17.1 5.2 8.9 31.0 1603.3 20.8

48 468 2.01 1973.1 34.9

47 468 2.00 1964.6 495.4 173.6 33.8 12.6 4.1 5.2 26.9 1745.3 34.6

27 488 2.17 2743.6 527.0 173.2 17.1 9.3 0.4 0.4 21.0 1867.6 53.1

*Wetness =P

(C2 � C5)/P

(C1 � C5) � 100.

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The dominant nonhydrocarbon gas generatedfrom the Cameo coal is CO2, and CO2 was dom-inant among all gases generated at Ro values to ashigh as 1.8% (Figure 5d).With increasing temper-atures up to 400jC, a gradual but relatively slowincrease in the absolute amount of generated CO2

was observed. Figure 5d plots CO2 yield versuspyrolysis temperature. Significant CO2 generationoccurred at mild pyrolysis conditions (<340jC).More than 50% of the total CO2 yield, which ac-counts for 85%ormore of the total gases producedduring pyrolysis, was generated at less than 1.1%Ro.This early generation of CO2 is likely related to thecracking of labile oxygenated functional groups, forinstance, decarboxylation of carboxylic groups. Thisobservation is consistent with a relatively fast reduc-tion of O/C atomic ratios during early catagenesisshown on the Van Krevelen diagram (Figure 3).

Kinetics of Gas Generation

In our closed-system pyrolysis of the Cameo coalunder various heating rates and durations, meth-

ane yields provided the necessary data for calcu-lating the gas generation kinetics parameters forthe coal. Table 4 shows the kinetics of gas gener-ation at the three different maximum yields de-scribed in the Methods section. Figure 5a–d illus-trate the best curve fitting and the kinetic parameterpatterns for the generation ofmethane, ethane, C3–C5, and CO2. Detailed information on the derivedkinetic parameters is listed in Table 4. The resultsshow that (1) the generation of methane from theCameo coal can be described best using a frequencyfactor (A in equation 2) of 2.218 � 1011 s�1 andactivation energies between 43 and 67 kcal/mol(dominant values from 49 to 60 kcal/mol), (2)matching the generation of ethane requires the dis-tribution of activation energies ranging mainly be-tween 53 and 65 kcal/mol with a frequency factorof 6.6753 � 1014 s�1, and (3) the generation ofthe C3–C5 gases requires activation energy valuesranging from 58 to 72 kcal/mol with a frequencyfactor of 2.3364 � 1016 s�1.

The CO2 generation requires a frequency factorof 4.3693� 1012 s�1 and activation energies distrib-utedover a range from43 to67kcal/mol,with about

Figure 4. Changes in volumepercent of different gases to to-tal gas products versus reflec-tance values of the residualvitrinite for the pyrolysis of theCameo coal in the Twin Arrow4-14 C&K well at 1 and 10jC/hrheating rates.

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Figure 5. Best curve fittings and the kinetic parameter sets for the generation of methane (A-1 and A-2), ethane (B-1 and B-2),C3–C5 hydrocarbons (C-1 and C-2), and CO2 (D-1 and D-2) from the Cameo coal in the Twin Arrow 4-14 C&K well. A = frequencyfactor in 1/s.

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70% of the reactions below 54 kcal/mol (Figure 5d).Compared with hydrocarbon gas production, this

much lower activation energy distribution for CO2

indicates that it is produced via the early cracking ofcoal organic matter, possibly through decarboxyl-ation reactions, which is consistent with the pyrol-ysis data that show an early significant productionof CO2 at low-temperature conditions.

Kinetics of Vitrinite Reflectance Evolution

Figure 6 shows the best fit of the calculated Ro datafrom our kinetic model with those observed fromthe pyrolysis experiments. The values of the fre-quency factor and activation energies are listed inTable 4 and graphically presented in Figure 6.The results indicate that the Ro evolution of the

Table 4. Kinetic Parameters for Vitrinite Reflectance, C1–C5, and CO2 (scf/ton, dry-ash-free coal) for the Pyrolysis of the Cameo Coal

from the Twin Arrow 4-14 C&K Well, Piceance Basin, Northwestern Colorado


Maximum Yield

A (s� 1)*

E (kcal/mol)**

Ro (%)


1.3952 � 1013

Reaction (%)



2.218 � 1011

Reaction (%)



6.6753 � 1014

Reaction (%)


2.3364 � 1016

Reaction (%)



4.3693 � 1012

Reaction (%)

43 11.23 0.77 14.44

44 0 0 0

45 0 2.04 0

46 0 0 0

47 0 0 9.01

48 0.38 0 20.18

49 0 12.02 0

50 9.46 7.36 11.53

51 0 0 5.02

52 1.6 0 0

53 1.91 36.62 1.36 0

54 4.18 0 0 17.1

55 0 0 0 0

56 5.12 16.48 10.19 0

57 0.7 13.17 17.11 6.02

58 0 0 0 1.75 0

59 0 5.49 0 0 6.68

60 0 2.56 0 0 1.11

61 0 0 57.57 27.46 0

62 5.36 1.22 0 0 1.96

63 60.05 1.99 0 0 4.91

64 0 12.73 0 0

65 0 1.04 8.46 0

66 0.23 36.12 0

67 0.05 0 2.04

68 0

69 4.43

70 11.45

71 0

72 10.32

*A = frequency factor.**E = activation energy.

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Cameo coal can be described best with a frequencyfactor of 1.3952� 1013 s�1 and activation energiesranging between 43 and 63 kcal/mol. To under-stand our model’s prediction, a comparison of cal-culated datawith observeddata for theCameocoalwas made using pre-existing Ro and our Ro kineticmodels. The results show that our model gives abetter match between predicted and measured Ro

values. This indicates that the kinetic behavior oforganic maturation can be significantly differentfor different coals and kerogens because of compo-sitional variability. Because our kinetic model wascalibrated by pyrolysis data that have the Ro rangefrom 0.5 to 2.2%, it may be used with confidence

from 0.6 to 2.1%. This reflectance range is largeenough to cover the coal-rank sequence in thePiceance Basin.

Basin Modeling

Using the basin-modeling procedures describedpreviously, constrained by a thorough understand-ing of the burial history and thermal history of theCameo coal, we mapped not only the regional coal-rank patterns but also the basinwide gas kitchen ofthe coal. To describe the resulting models clearly,we review first the results of our reconstruction ofthe burial and thermal histories of the Cameo coal.

Figure 6. Best curve fitting(A) and the kinetic parameterset (B) for the Ro evolutionfrom the Cameo coal in theTwin Arrow 4-14 C&K well.A = frequency factor in 1/s.

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Table 5. Prediction of Coal Maturity, Gas Content, and Total Volume of Methane Generated from the Cameo Coal for Wells in the Piceance Basin, Northwestern Colorado, from

1-D Basin Models

Well No. Operator Lease Well Name Township Range Section Ro(%) Ro Lit.* CH4** CO2** Wetnessy Coal (ft)yy F vcz CH4 (bcf/mi


1 Buckhorn Oil California Federal N N009 W087 24 0.62 34 232 0.02 5 0.938 0.17

4 Forest Krause 15-1 N004 W097 15 0.62 0.65a 38 240 0.03 35 0.938 1.32

5 Cities Service Oil Federal Preece B-1 N003 W096 19 0.72 0.62a 95 301 0.21 57 0.938 5.43

7 Fuel Resources Dev. Co. Federal 1 N002 W096 31 0.80 0.67a 82 293 0.15 45 0.938 3.68

8 Cities Service Oil Federal 4A N002 W097 26 0.69 0.67a 65 272 0.10 19 0.938 1.25

11 CR-2 N001 W097 36 1.59 1277 526 1.43 39 0.936 51.60

12 Pacific Trans Supp Barcus Creek 22-12 N001 W099 12 0.95 168 382 0.45 20 0.938 3.37

13 Jack Grynburg Govt. 1 N001 W100 5 0.86 0.60a 123 321 0.30 20 0.938 2.45

14 Chorney East Rangely Govt. 1-14 N001 W100 14 0.80 0.65a 82 295 0.16 20 0.938 1.64

16 USGS CH-4 S001 W095 9 1.33a 469 480 1.50 72 0.937 34.20

17 USGS C-299 S001 W097 29 1.46a 952 518 1.51 45 0.937 43.87

18 USGS Colorado Min. 14-1 S001 W098 14 1.38a 697 506 1.51 29 0.937 20.57

19 Colorado Minerals 28-1 S001 W098 28 1.50 1081 521 1.49 40 0.936 44.42

20 Munson Chevron 36-1-100 S001 W100 36 0.66 0.73a 55 263 0.05 15 0.938 0.83

21 Twin Arrows N. Douglas Creek 4-31 S001 W101 31 0.40 0 0 0.00 5 0.939 0.00

22 ? S002 W095 14 1.42 796 509 1.52 50 0.937 40.62

23 ? S002 W095 26 1.36 642 497 1.41 50 0.937 32.62

24 Mobil Oil Mobil T-52-19G S002 W096 19 1.93 1.56a 2516 586 1.68 50 0.934 134.77

25 Mobil Oil T67-13G S002 W097 13 1.52 1147 523 1.42 45 0.936 53.14

26 Mobil Oil PCU 31-13 S002 W097 13 1.61 1309 535 1.42 45 0.936 61.20

27 Pan Am Peterson 1 S002 W098 4 1.40 767 508 1.47 42 0.937 32.84

28 Rio Blanco Govt. 298-29-2 S002 W098 29 1.67 1.26a 1442 540 1.41 45 0.935 67.79

29 ? S003 W094 35 0.48 0 0 0.00 5 0.938 0.00

30 ? S003 W095 24 1.82 1976 567 1.51 50 0.934 104.72

31 C.E. Chancellor Govt. Hunter Creek 397-3-1 S003 W097 3 1.64 1.80a 1365 538 1.41 48 0.935 68.22

32 CSG Expl. Govt. 398-33 S003 W098 33 1.38 1.35a 724 508 1.49 48 0.937 35.39

33 Twin Arrow C&K 4-14 S003 W101 14 0.50 0.50a 0 0 0.00 5 0.939 0.00

34 Fuelco Texas Mt. Federal 8-1 S003 W102 8 0.46 0.52a 0 0 0.00 5 0.938 0.00

35 Fuel Resources Dev. Co. Texas Mtn. 16-2 S003 W102 16 0.36 0.51a 0 0 0.00 5 0.939 0.00

36 Fuelco Texas Mt. Federal 21-2 S003 W102 21 0.38 0 0 0.00 5 0.939 0.00

37 ARCO North Rifle 1 S004 W093 31 0.88 130 345 0.34 45 0.938 5.87

38 ? S004 W094 3 1.45 922 516 1.44 55 0.937 51.89

40 Chevron 1-25 S005 W099 25 1.36 601 497 1.51 15 0.937 9.16

41 Tipperary Sky. Hydro. 2 S005 W100 13 0.63 42 249 0.03 10 0.938 0.42








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42 Tipperary Bear Gulch 1-30F S005 W100 30 0.63 0.63a 43 253 0.03 10 0.938 0.43

43 Snyder Oil Co. Barton Porter 1-16 S006 W090 16 1.02 1.04a 184 412 0.53 50 0.938 9.20

44 Snyder Oil Jolley 1-8 S006 W091 8 1.51 1.45a 1111 524 1.48 65 0.936 74.30

45 Koch Exploration Frick MC 11-26 S006 W092 26 1.57 1217 529 1.43 65 0.936 81.83

46 ARCO-Exxon 1-36 S006 W093 36 1.67 1.60a 1441 545 1.43 70 0.935 105.37

47 CER Corp. MWX 1&2 S006 W094 34 1.79 1.90b 1975 560 1.49 90 0.935 187.82

48 Barrett Energy Co. Crystal Creek Fee A-2 S006 W097 23 1.53 1.70b 1141 526 1.45 60 0.936 70.54

49 Chevron Skinner Ridge 4-2 S006 W098 28 0.83 103 314 0.25 32 0.938 3.29

50 TRW Exploration Sunlight Federal 2 S007 W089 32 0.85 115 332 0.28 50 0.938 5.76

51 Dome Baldy Creek Unit 1 S007 W090 17 1.61 2.10a 1337 535 1.39 50 0.936 69.45

52 Tenneco REI Cameo Fee 20-4 S007 W091 20 1.25 1.50a 298 457 1.06 64 0.938 19.22

53 Mobil Oil Connell 1 S007 W092 34 1.06 1.70a 196 440 0.59 70 0.938 13.75

55 El Paso Natural Gas Standard Shale 1 S007 W099 6 0.71 0.74a 61 267 0.07 38 0.938 2.33

56 Chevron Divide Creek 1 S008 W091 36 0.79 0.80a 77 292 0.13 50 0.938 3.84

57 Resources Ent. Inc. Deep Seam 32-2 1 S009 W094 32 1.09 204 423 0.63 65 0.938 13.24

58 Teton Sparks 36-4 S009 W095 36 1.29 389 470 1.24 60 0.937 23.62

59 Exxon D. K. Estate ? S009 W095 11 1.33 1.35a 481 480 1.45 62 0.937 30.24

60 Ralston Production Co. Federal 31 S010 W090 31 0.86 0.90a 123 342 0.32 60 0.938 7.40

61 Chevron Oxy. Cascade Creek 604-1 S006 W097 4 1.34 499 486 1.77 45 0.937 22.79

62 Chevron Skinner Ridge 65-12D S005 W097 12 1.24 291 456 0.99 45 0.938 13.21

63 Chevron Trail Ridge 1-23 S005 W097 23 1.25 304 457 1.09 38 0.938 11.66

64 Exxon Old Man Mtn. 2 S010 W095 36 0.69 0.70a 61 268 0.08 33 0.938 2.02

65 Chevron USA Inc. Trail Ridge 5-19 S005 W096 19 1.70 1426 543 1.43 42 0.935 62.76

*Ro Lit. = Ro values cited from literature: aNuccio and Johnson (1983); bJohnson and Nuccio (1993).**Gas content: scf/ton, reserved dry-ash-free coal.yGas wetness: [

P(C2 � C5)/

P(C1 � C5) � 100].

yyNet coal thickness of the Cameo seams determined from borehole data.zF vc = correction factor that relates the weight percent ash-free coal (Fwc) and ash yield (Fwa) determined from proximate data to the coal-volume fraction (Scott et al., 1995): F vc = (Fwc � r a)/(Fwc � r a + Fwa � r c ), where

r a is the density of ash-forming minerals (�2.65 g/cm3) and r c is the density of ash-free coal.



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Burial History of the Cameo CoalDuring the Late Cretaceous (93–65 Ma), thePiceance Basin was located along the westernmar-

gin of the Western Interior seaway and receivedthe sediment that composed the Mancos Shale(base) through the Iles and Williams Fork forma-tions (Figure 1). TheCameo coal zone is composedpredominantly of carbonaceous shale, coal, andsandstone. These strata grade upward into thesandier and less coaly upper part of theWilliamsFork Formation. The formation generally thick-ens eastward from about 1500 ft (460 m) in theDouglas Creek arch on the west to reach a maxi-mum thickness of about 4500 ft (1370m) along theeastern structural trough of the basin (Figure 1). Abasinwide unconformity is at the top of the Wil-liams Fork (Johnson and May, 1978, 1980). Thethickness of Cretaceous rocks removed by erosionis unknown.However, the Cameo coal during thattime was not buried deeply, and coalification tem-peratures were low (Johnson and Nuccio, 1986;Law et al., 1989). Therefore, that part of the buri-al history is depicted as a period of nondepositioninstead of erosion, an assumption that should nothave a significant effect on the thermal historycalibration.

Following this period of nondeposition, subsi-dence and sedimentation resumed in the early ormiddle Paleocene. The Cameo coal underwent con-tinuous burial as the Tertiary sediments accumu-lated, and the coals reached maximum burial depthat the end of the Laramide orogeny (near the endof the Eocene, �36 Ma). The overlying Tertiaryformations consist of a wide variety of sandstone,siltstone, nonmarine carbonate, and continentalevaporate units that include fluvial, alluvial, andlacustrine deposits (Johnson and Nuccio, 1986).These formations aremore than 12,000 ft (3750m)thick along the eastern structural trough of the basinand thin to a minimum of about 1200 ft (366 m)over the Douglas Creek arch on the west. From 36to 10Ma, no evidence of deposition in the PiceanceBasin is seen. However, shallow intrusions of inter-mediate composition were emplaced in the south-eastern part of the basin about 34–29 Ma, andbasaltic extrusions, which have been dated byMarvin et al. (1966) as 9.7 ± 0.5Ma, coveredmuch

of the central part. Commencing about 10 Ma, theentire region was uplifted and eroded.

Based on well profiles (see Table 5) and pub-lished literature (Dunn, 1974; Tweto, 1975;Choateet al., 1984; Johnson and Nuccio, 1986; Johnson,1989a, b; Franczyk et al., 1992; Tyler et al., 1996),five major episodes of deposition and erosion oc-curred during the burial history of the WilliamsFork Formation in the Piceance Basin.

Figure 7a illustrates a burial model for thecoal measures representing one of the boreholesections (Mobil T-52-19GMobil, well 24, Table 5)in the study area. The dark lines represent theCameo coal at the base of the 100-ft (30-m) sectionof the coal measures. A comparison of the threerepresentative curves indicates that, during thedepositional episode near the end of the Eocene(about 36 Ma), the maximum burial depth of thecoal measures may have ranged from as little as5000 ft (1524m) in thewest to 20,000 ft (6096m)in the east along the eastern structural trough of thebasin. Consequently, if the thickness of the coal-bearing Williams Fork increased eastward from1500 ft (457 m) in the Douglas Creek arch toabout 4500 ft (1372 m) along the basin axis, as cal-culated from borehole data, the maximum thick-ness of theTertiary rocksmust have ranged between7500 ft (2286m) in thewest and15,000 ft (4572m)in the central part of the basin. Between 10 Ma andthe present, the central Piceance Basin underwenta rapid and substantial uplift, causing rapid ero-sion, in response to the main phase of Laramidetectonism. However, in the western Piceance Basin,erosion appears to have occurred relatively slow.

Thermal History of the Cameo CoalBased on average thermal conductivities and down-hole temperature data, the present-day geothermalgradients and heat-flow values for each boreholewere calculated. The results show that the present-day geothermal gradient ranges from 28.8jC/km inthe northeastern part of the basin to 43.2jC/km inthe southwestern part, which agrees with the esti-mates of Johnson and Nuccio (1986). Similarly, thepresent-day surface heat flow increases from about50mW/m2 in the north to approximate 65mW/m2

in the south. Monroe and Sass (1974) and Reiter

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et al. (1975, 1979) also calculated the regional heatflow for the Piceance and adjacent basins. Theirresults showed the heat-flow values to range be-

tween 58.5 mW/m2 (1.4 heat-flow unit [HFU])and 83.6 mW/m2 (2.0 HFU), which are in goodagreement with those used in the present study.

Figure 7. (a) Represen-tative burial history curveof the Cameo coal zonein the Mobil T-52-19GMobil well (well 24,Table 5), Piceance Basin,northwest Colorado. K =Cretaceous; P = Paleo-cence; E = Eocene; O =Oligocene; M = Miocene;P = Pliocene; H = Holo-cene. (b) Calculated Roprofile (shown as a curve)with measured Ro pro-file (shown as +) show-ing a good agreementbetween measured andmodel Ro values. Mahog-any refers to the Ma-hogany oil-shale zone,which is an importantstratigraphic marker inthe upper part of theGreen River Formation inthe basin.

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Evidence that present-day heat flow can be ap-plied throughmodeledtimeexists.OligocenethroughMiocenemagmatismoccurred in the southernpart ofthe basin, and nonsteady state thermal regimes mayhave dominated in localized areas of the PiceanceBasin during that time. In this study, possible varia-tions of paleoheat flow through time were inves-tigated with two assumptions in the thermal mod-eling: (1) present-day heat flow persisted in thebasin throughout its burial history, and (2) heatflowwas in a nonsteady state during theOligocene–Miocene, but constant since then and at the levelsof present-day values.

Figure 7b shows the data-matching result forthe observed Ro profile for the Mobil T-52-19GMobil well (well 24, Table 5) versus the modeledmaturity. In general, the fit of the calculated ma-turity profile with the measured Ro data supportsthe regional coal-rank patterns resulting frommax-imum burial and normal heat flow similar to themodern-dayvalues. In the southernpart of thebasin,however, in boreholeCERCorporation 1&2MWX(well 47, Table 5), a paleoheat flow of 10mW/m2

higher than the present-day heat flow must be in-

voked to match the Ro profiles. If all other param-eters used in the thermal modeling are valid, thiswould indicate that anomalous heating associatedwith Oligocene magmatic activity in the southernpart of the basin has influenced the local coal-rankvariation and gas generation.


Vitrinite Reflectance Kinetics

Several approaches exist for the kinetic modelingof changes inRowith increased thermal stress. Theseapproaches are presumed universally applicable toall kerogen or coal and therefore universally suit-able for comparisons with laboratory pyrolysis data.However, in our study, we were unable to matchthe Cameo coal experimental results using a pre-existing kinetic approach and had to develop ourown basin-specific Ro kinetic model. This is notcompletely surprising because not all kerogens orall coals are chemically alike. Considerable naturalvariability in huminite or Ro at all coal ranks within

Figure 8. Isoreflectance(%Ro) contour map ofthe Cameo coal, PiceanceBasin, northwesternColorado.

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sedimentary basins that results from factors notrelated to thermal history is observed, includingvariability in the types and amounts of original bio-polymers contributing to the organic matter andthe depositional environments where organic mat-ter accumulates (Stach et al., 1982; Rathbone andDavis, 1993; Lewan, 1994). This underscores theneed for the development of basin-specific Ro ki-netic models in this type of study.

Coal Maturity Pattern

Figure 8 is a revised regional coal-rankmap for thePiceance Basin assembled from Ro data and is sim-ilar to the map published by Johnson and Nuccio

(1986). The margin of the basin is roughly definedby the 0.45–0.5% Ro contour line, whereas the cen-ter of the basin reached 1.95% Ro as observed inthe well data from the Cameo coal. Johnson andNuccio (1986) showed Ro reaching 2.1% in thePiceance Basin west of Rifle, Colorado. Based onRo, the Cameo coal seams range in rank from sub-bituminous B to high-volatile C bituminous (north-east, west, and south margins) to semianthracite(eastern and central regions and along the syncli-nal axis). The coals adjacent to Oligocene mag-matic intrusions reach anthracite rank, and graphitehas been reported locally (Collins, 1976).

Our own analysis of the Ro data, summarized inthe isoreflectance contour lines (Figure 8), shows

Figure 9. Maturation histories of theCameo coal in three representative bore-holes: well 20, Munson 36-1-100 (Table 5;basin west flank); well 32, CGS Explora-tion 398-33 (Table 5); and well 24, MobilT-52-19G Mobil (Table 5; basin easterncenter), Piceance Basin, northwestern Col-orado. K = Cretaceous; P = Paleocence;E = Eocene; O = Oligocene; M = Miocene;P = Pliocene; H = Holocene.

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that coal rank increases gradually eastward fromthe west and southwest basin flanks. Coal rank in-creases rapidly westward from the Grand Hogback(west side of theWhite River uplift, Figure 1) intolow-volatile bituminous and semianthracite alongthe eastern axis of the basin. This maturity trendgenerally follows the regional structural configu-ration on the base of the Williams Fork Forma-tion (cross section AA0, Figure 1), suggesting thatmost of the thermal maturation of the Cameo coalpreceded or occurred concurrently with regionalstructuralmovement (Johnson andNuccio, 1986).The timing of the Cameo coal maturation can befurther assessed through basin modeling using thekinetics of this study. Figure 9 illustrates the matu-ration history of the coalmeasures predicted by thebasin modeling of three borehole sections repre-

senting thewestern, transitional, and central parts ofthe Piceance Basin (Figure 1; well 20, Munson 36-1-100, Table 5; well 32, CSGExploration 398-33,Table 5;well 24,Mobil T-52-19GMobil, Table 5).A comparison of the borehole data (Figure 9) in-

dicates that the coal measures on the west sideof the basin (well 20) probably reached present-day coalification levels during the late Oligocene(ca. 25 Ma). In the central part of the basin (wells32 and 24), however, coalification continued to10Ma when significant uplift and subsequent ero-sion occurred.

In addition, the systematic increase in the ther-mal maturity of the coals is generally correlated tooverburden thickness changes as estimated frombasinwide modeling. This indicates that the region-al geothermal heating caused by burial was prob-ably the dominant heat source responsible for thecoal maturation, except in the southeastern cornerof the basin where magmatic activity from 35 to10 Ma raised the local geothermal gradient result-ing in the anthracite rank of coal in a limited area

(Collins, 1976; Johnson and Nuccio, 1986). Al-though late-stage hydrologic recharge along thebasin margins might have introduced short-termtemperature effects, these appear to have been rela-tively minor in terms of the overall effective heating

Figure 10. (a) Modeledgas generation from theMobil T-52-19G Mobilwell (well 24, Table 5)using gas generation ki-netic parameters derivedin this study. (b) Meth-ane generation historiesof the Cameo coal inthree representativeboreholes: well 20, Mun-son 36-1-100 (Table 5;basin west flank); well 32,CGS Exploration 398-33(Table 5); and well 24,Mobil T-52-19G Mobil(Table 5; basin easterncenter), Piceance Basin,northwestern Colorado.K = Cretaceous; P = Paleo-cence; E = Eocene; O =Oligocene; M = Miocene;P = Pliocene; H=Holocene.

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time and probably had a minor influence on theoverall thermal andmaturationhistoryof theCameocoal.

Gas Generation from Cameo Coals

As mentioned previously, the modeling of gas gen-eration from the Cameo coal was accomplishedusing kinetic parameters derived from the pyrol-ysis for methane, C2, C3–C5 hydrocarbon gases,and CO2. The thermal history of the Cameo coalwas approximated using Ro kinetics from pyrolysis

and by adjusting the heat flow in basin modelingto fit the observed Ro profiles from various wellsites. The results of modeling gas generation ver-sus present-day depth and geological time are pre-sented in Figure 10a and b for three representa-tive well locations. In the central part of the basinrepresented by the Mobil T-52-19G Mobil well(well 24, Table 5), the main phase of gas gener-ation started at 45 Ma and continued until 10 Mawhen temperatures dropped because of uplift anderosion. At this location, themodeling of gas gener-ation from the Cameo coal resulted in 2516 scf/ton

Figure 10. Continued.

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methane, 32 scf/ton C2-C5 hydrocarbon gases,and 439 scf/ton CO2 of initial dry-ash-free Cameocoal.

In contrast, along the west flank of the basin ina section represented by the Munson 36-1-100 well(well 20, Table 5), coals were not buried deepenough to result in significant thermogenic hydro-carbon generation. Therefore, aside from possiblelate-stage bacterial methanogenesis associated withpotential recharge paths along the basin margins(Tyler et al., 1996), mainly CO2 generation is pre-

dicted at that location, commencing at about 30 Maand reaching its highest level at 20 Ma, then de-creasing to very little (if any) because temperaturesbecame too low.The total yield ofCO2 is 253 scf/tonof initial dry-ash-free coal, accounting for about 83%of the total gases generated from the Cameo coal.Yields of methane and C2–C5 hydrocarbon gasesare only 53 scf/ton dry-ash-free coal. Thus, in res-ervoirs on the basin’s flank, one would not expectgas charge from the underlying Cameo seams, ex-cept possibly gas of biogenic origin.

Figure 11. (A) Percent weightloss during maturation of theCameo coal from 0.5 to 2.2% Ro.y = equation for the best-fit curve,ln(x) is natural logarithm of xwhile x = % Ro in a range from0.5 to 2.2% Ro, R

2 = sum ofsquares residual. (B) Comparisonof methane generation vs. coalrank (%Ro) from the predictionof basin modeling (in solid circleand dash curve) in this studyand from the pyrolysis experi-ments (in solid triangle and curve)for the in-situ dry-ash-free Cameocoal, Piceance Basin, northwest-ern Colorado.

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To calculate gas yields relative to the weight ofin-situ coal, coal weight loss because of the gener-ation of water and gases during coalification mustbe considered. Our pyrolysis data show approxi-

mately 25% weight loss (based on the mass of orig-inal starting coal) during coalification from subbitu-minous A or high-volatile C bituminous at 0.5% Ro

to semianthracite rank on the dry-ash-free basis

Figure 12. (a) Methanegeneration potentials (scf/ton,dry-ash-free coal) for in-situCameo coal and (b) gas wetness[P

(C2 � C5)/P

(C1 � C5) �100] for the gases generatedfrom the Cameo coal, PiceanceBasin, northwestern Colorado,predicted from basin modelingusing the gas generation kinet-ics derived in this study.

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(Figure 11A). The total gas yields from modelingin the central part of the basin as represented bytheMobil T-52-19GMobil well (well 24, Table 5)

are estimated to be approximately 2516 scf/tonmethane, 43 scf/ton C2–C5 hydrocarbon gases,and 586 scf/tonCO2 of in-situ dry-ash-freeCameocoal. Compared with the pyrolysis data shown inFigure 11B, the methane yield is slightly higher atgeological conditions than the value of 2427 scf/tonmethane of in-situ dry-ash-free coal measured frompyrolysis experiments of the Cameo coal. Further-more, themodel probably underpredicts gas valuesin the southwestern part of the basin. The detailedgas prediction results are reported in Table 5.

Variations in totalmethane yield and gaswetnessacross the Piceance Basin are shown in Figure 12aand b. The predicted methane yield increases fromless than 100 scf/ton of in-situ coal from basinflanks where Ro values are between 0.5 and 0.7%to more than 2500 scf/ton in the deep northernand southeastern troughs of the basin where coalrank reached the semianthracite level (1.93%). Thegeneration of significant quantities of methane(e.g., �300 scf/ton) started at 1.2% Ro and ex-ceeded 2500 scf/ton (in-situ dry-ash-free coal) ata coal rank of 1.93% Ro. Gases generated in both

low and high maturity coals are less wet (<20%wetness), whereas wetter gases are in the areawith coal ranks at 1.4–1.5% Ro (>35% wetness).

Gas yields are probably underpredicted in thesouthern basin where Ro is underpredicted by thekinetic model (see Figure 12a, b; Table 5), butoverall, the Ro model and field results show goodagreement.

The CO2 generation from the Cameo coals isalso estimated as shown in Figure 10a. Modelingindicates that large quantities of CO2 were prob-ably generated during early coalification (Ro < 1%).However, amounts of produced CO2 from wellsare much lower than amounts predicted by model-ing. One explanation is the high solubility of CO2

in water. A. B. Carpenter and L.M. Cathles (1996,personal communication) suggested thatCO2 couldbe removed from gas as it migrates within a basinand reactswith silicates of calcium,magnesium, and/or iron. This theoretical prediction has been reportedto be consistent with some field data, which showsthat gas generated from, ormigrated through, forma-tions with initially significant Ca-Mg-Fe silicate con-tent will generally contain less CO2 than gas pro-duced from rocks containing small amounts of thesesilicates.

Figure 13. Total volume ofmethane generated from theCameo coal, Piceance Basin,northwestern Colorado, pre-dicted from basin modeling usingthe gas generation kinetics de-rived in this study. The contourmap is constructed using thetotal net coal thickness map andPiceance Basin modeling results,including coal-rank (%Ro) andgas yield data. The contour in-terval is 10 bcf/mi2.

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Volumes of Generated Coalbed Methane

To calculate the volume of gas generated per square

mile from the in-situ Cameo coal, several param-eters had to be considered. These include gas con-tent of the in-situ coal, net coal thickness, ash con-tent, and coal density. As discussed above, the gascontent has been predicted from basin modelingand corrected to an ash-free basis to remove gascontent variability caused by changes in mineralmatter content among coal seams. The cumulativethickness of the coal seams in the upper part of theWilliams Fork Formation is based on borehole data(Table 5), and the netCameo coal isopachmapwasgenerated from these data.

Ash content, however, is one of the difficultparameters to evaluate in calculating coalbed gasresources. Because (1) the ash content of the Cameocoals is variable, ranging from less than 1 to 47.9%across the Piceance Basin (Tremain and Toomey,1983; McFall et al., 1986; Diamond et al., 1986),and (2) ash-content datawere not available for coalseams in each borehole, an average value of 12.5%ash content as given by Tyler et al. (1996)was usedfor calculating ash-free gas resources.

Furthermore, the determination of ash-free coaldensity is more complicated. Because the densitydifference between ash-forming minerals (com-monly greater than 2.65 g/cm3) and ash-free coal(about 1.3 g/cm3 for high-volatile bituminous) is solarge, the weight-percent ash in coal is much greaterthan the actual volume-percent ash. Therefore, acorrection factor that relates the weight percent ofash in coal to its volume percent needs to be con-sidered. Accordingly, we adapted the approach es-tablished by Scott et al. (1995) to calculate thecorrection factor and to estimate the ash-free coaldensity in this study.According toScott et al. (1995),the GIP is a function of coal volume, coal density(on dry-ash-free basis), and ash-free gas content.Thus,

GIP ¼ ðh� A� FvcÞ � rc �GC ð4Þ

where GIP is the gas in place (scf ), h is the coalthickness (ft),A is the area (mi2), Fvc is the volumecorrection factor, rc is the ash-free coal density

(ton/ft mi2), and GC is the ash-free gas content(scf/ton). The volumeof the coal gas generated fromthe Cameo coal is reported in Table 5 and mappedin Figure 13. The results show that the area withthe most in-place coalbed gas generated is locatednear the trough of the basin, where generationexceeds 150 bcf/mi2. Toward the basin margins,in-place coalbed gas resources become less than10 bcf/mi2. The regional distribution of the coalbedgas resources generally follows Ro trends and netcoal thickness variation patterns.Our kinetic studyand basin-modeling predictions indicate that thePiceance Basin has great potential to contain im-portant commercial accumulations of coalbedmeth-ane (Figure 13). In addition, measurements of coaladsorption capacity byEddy et al. (1982) andTyleret al. (1996) indicate that approximately 480–1000 scf of methane/ton of coal can be stored in thecoals of the Cameo seams at the rank range fromabout 1.3 to 1.9%Ro. Because themodeling predictsthat considerably more gas may be generated by theCameo coals than the coals can store in the deeperareas of the basin, we expect that a considerableamount of methane probably migrated from theCameo coal to nearby noncoal reservoirs.


Results from the confined pyrolysis of an immature,petrographically representative Cameo coal samplefrom the Piceance Basin show that the simulatedmaturation of the coal follows a Van Krevelen typeIII kerogen or humic coal evolution pathway. Thepositive relation between increasing Ro and de-creasing atomic H/C and O/C ratios indicates thatthe sealed gold tube pyrolysis method reasonablysimulates natural coal maturation. Basin-specific Ro

and gas generation kinetic parameters derived froman immature Cameo coal sample are required toadequately model gas potential.

The major gas products from Cameo coal py-rolysis are methane, C2–C5 hydrocarbons, and CO2.Most of the gas generated during early maturation(Ro < 0.8%) is CO2, whereas at high coal conver-sion (Ro > 0.8%), hydrocarbon gases are dominant.The hydrocarbon gases generated from the humic

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Cameo coals are lesswet, having generally less than30% C2+ hydrocarbon components.

Basedon the specifically developedkineticmod-els and using the 1-D basin-modeling program, thethermal maturity modeling of 57 wells allowedthe mapping of the regional coal-rank pattern andthe basinwide gas kitchen. The modeling resultsindicate that the coal measures to the west flankof the Piceance Basin probably reached present-day coalification levels during the late Oligocene(25 Ma). In the central part of the basin, how-ever, coalification continued until 10 Ma when sig-nificant uplift and subsequent erosion occurred.Coal rank increases gradually eastward from high-volatile C bituminous on the west and southwestbasin flanks into low-volatile bituminous and semi-anthracite along the eastern trough, then decreasesabruptly toward the sharply upturned east margin.This maturity trend generally follows the regionalstructural configuration on the base of the Mesa-verdeGroup and is generally correlated to the thick-nesses of the original overburden. This indicates thatthe regional geothermal heating caused by the de-positional burial was probably the dominant heatsource responsible for the regional coal-rank pat-tern that was established.

The modeling of gas generation showed that,in the central part of the Piceance Basin, the mainphase of gas generation started at 45 Ma and con-tinued until 10 Ma when the temperatures de-creased because of uplift and subsequent erosion.Along the western and southern flanks of the ba-sin, coal seams were shallowly buried and temper-atures were never high enough to initiate a signif-icant generation of gases other than CO2, exceptpossibly for biogenic gas. In this region, the majorgas generation commenced at about 30 Ma andreached the highest level at 20 Ma. There was nosignificant generation of gas between 20 and 10Ma.

Predictedmethane yield increases from less than10 scf/ton in-situ coal from basin flanks where Ro isbetween 0.5 and 0.7% to more than 2500 scf/toncoal in the deep center along the northern andsoutheastern segments of the basin, where coal rankreached the semianthracite level (1.93%). Thegeneration of significant quantities of methane(e.g.,�300 scf/ton) started at 1.2%Ro and exceeded

2500 scf/ton (in-situ dry-ash-free coal) at a coalrank of 1.93% Ro. Gases generated in both low-and high-maturity coals are less wet but wetter inareas with coal ranks at 1.4–1.5%Ro. The largest in-place coalbed gas resources are along the basin axis,where they are estimated to exceed 150 bcf/mi2.Near the basin margins, in-place coalbed gas re-sources can range from 0 to 10 bcf/mi2. As con-trolled by regional coal maturity and total net coalthickness, the regional distribution of the coalbedgas resources generally follows Ro trends and netcoal thickness patterns. Overall, our study resultsindicate that the Piceance Basin has great poten-tial to contain important commercial accumula-tions of coal-generated gas in coal beds and tightgas sands.


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1106 Modeling of Gas Generation in the Piceance Basin, Colorado

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